Travel Health
Non-urgent advice: Travel Vaccinations
If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel please complete a travel questionnaire (online version below) and submit it to the practice at least 6 weeks prior to travel. We MUST be provided sufficient time to assess your request, book you in and safely vaccinate you. The practice will contact you and inform you of which NHS vaccinations you require and arrange an appropriate appointment.
Vaccinations available on the NHS are:
- Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio
- Typhoid
- Hepatitis A (including when combined with Hep B or Typhoid)
- Cholera
Any further vaccinations which are not available on the NHS will need to be administered via a Private Travel Service.
Information for Private Travel Vaccination providers can be found here Private Travel providers NB: Yarm Medical Practice does not recommend one provider over another.
Select the region you are travelling to find out more.
Travel Risk Assessment V2
Non-urgent advice: Travel Health Advice
The following websites will give you additional travel advice
- Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS
- MASTA for private vaccination clinics
- for specific country travel advice
- EHIC for healthcare cover abroad